Multipie: Stock, MF, Community
How to install Multipie: Stock, MF, Community APK?
1. Tap the downloaded Multipie: Stock, MF, Community APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.
Multipie is the fastest-growing community for investing Create a social community with other like-minded investors and traders. Share your thoughts about stocks, talk about them, receive stock-related tips, find the best stocks to buy, keep track of the portfolios of other members, and engage with the members. Join over 1 lakh members who have portfolios at a value of Rs 4,400 crores+.
It is a social investment community that offers you the complete picture of investment options and will assist you throughout your entire investment journey from the initial idea through execution. Additionally, you can personalize the feed according to your particular interests and see the most relevant mutual funds and stocks to invest in.
What exactly Multipie social investing can help you improve your management of your money?
Join us to be part of our community of vibrant people Follow the experts, top contributors/handles, and experienced investors. Find the most popular posts, figure out which are the most traded and bought stocks, and chat with those who have them to receive top stock tips and information.
Get authentic and reliable investment information With Multipie we are committed to keeping it authentic!
View the real portfolio holdings (stock and mutual funds) and asset allocation as well as trade reports of our community members in the application. Find out what they have to share about their stocks.
Link your portfolio to track your portfolio, receive alerts about price changes and become more socially trustworthy, and receive personalized feeds and news about stocks that are based on your investment portfolio.
You can also compete against superstar investors and see which one you’ll take home the prize. Also, make sure to take a look at the popular stocks that you and your partner own!
Explore your next BIG idea by exploring New Comprehensive Screener Baskets. These screeners for stocks powered by Trendlyne can help you identify the top stocks to purchase according to different indicators.
Go to the company’s website which includes the stock dashboard, which is quick visual representations of important metrics like profits margins, shareholding patterns, and promoter stake.
This Mutual Fund page provides a complete information on annualized returns, community discussion, and details about holdings to assist you in making informed choices regarding the best mutual funds for investing in.
Learn about stock exchange conversations to get information from experts. This can help you make better decision-making. You can also look up the top-moving stocks as well as the top selling and buying shares on Multipie and the best help Mutual Funds. It is possible to invest in or trade stocks directly through the company’s website within the app.
Top performers: Check out our unique leaderboard for community members and discover your rank based upon your portfolio’s performance and be sure to share it with your fellow members.
Earn Multipie coins. Contribute to the community by making a write a comment or post and be paid in the form Multipie coins.
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Investors should ask their financial and tax advisors for advice on whether the product is appropriate for them prior to making any decision. ICICI Securities Limited will not be held accountable for any lost profits or revenues, nor data or financial losses, either in any way, whether direct or indirect, and also for special incidental, consequential, or punitive damages that result from the information available through Multipie. Multipie platform. The views shared herein are completely independent and have no relationship with the ISec employees, associates, or officials and shall not be held accountable for any losses of any kind, whether financial or otherwise suffered.
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